Using technology in the classroom

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Extracts from OFSTED Briefing – 10 Feb 2012

OFSTED Briefing – 10 Feb 2012


Critical – Needs to show an understanding  and development/action from RAISE.

Section 1 – All the contextual info.
Section 2 – 4 Key pillars from evaluation schedule.
Section 3 – Overall effectiveness, 2 sections - (standards and progress)

Buzz words to include in SEF (Behaviour – Culture of safety – Dealing with risk inside and outside of school)
At the end of each section sum up priorities in a list.

Do SEF in bullet points.

Note dips, trends and how they have been/are being addressed.

Be specific – e.g. LA boys Maths/ HA boys Eng.

Use RAISE to talk about current position and progress.

Talk about major cohorts.

In all sections refer to student and parent voice.



The following are not a major focus: Positive contribution, Healthy lifestyle, School links with other organization and Community Cohesion – not looked at it in same depth but students need to be aware of this.

Look at RAISE then move to SEF for synergy, however they do not want to see an analysis of RAISE in the SEF.  They want to see that you know the issues, what are you doing about them and what is the impact.  It needs to be current, day to day and what’s happening now.

Bigger focus on 9, 10 and 11 because they have been in school the longest and should have made the most progress.

They will focus on selected groups identified from RAISE/SEF e.g. LA boys Maths. You will give them a list of a specific group as identified from SEF and they will pick the sample.  They want to see all their books across a range of selected subjects.  They will then meet the group they have picked from the sample to discuss learning – then followed up by a meeting with Head of Maths discussing strategies.  Blanket coverage of the subject for a morning (every lesson/teacher in subject inspected) – looking at effectiveness of strategies from SEF/SPP and if they are taking hold. Book trawls will be in great depth.

Schools should show 3 levels progress and you should take the 5 year view.  Not 2 levels  (KS3) and 1 level (KS4).


Teaching and Learning

You need to move away from the shackles of National strategies. But keep the best bits.  At the start of the lesson thinks about a hook, something to grab their attention. – Not about going through learning objectives, outcomes, assessment criteria etc……..uninspiring……pupils switch off.

They are not interested in previous observations……much....just overall picture.  However keep a record.
Think about progress and time, best use of time.  You should be able to show progress in 30 mins.

Every second counts – Distance and depth – not just doing?

Do not follow 3 part lesson because a lesson should branch out like a tree.

Teachers must unlearn and relearn………evolve.

Learning should flow and make sense, pupils should flourish.  It’s not about activities, it’s about the experience.  Is a silent lessons a good way to learn?....Only sometimes.

Children should be doing the questioning…….not the teacher.

Never spend more than 10 mins. gathering info……they will have to process it……..absorb……..make it meaningful to them……….explain………..develop thinking.


Assessing progress

All learners make rapid and sustained progress with depth to be outstanding.

Looking at progress – not attainment

RAISE online gives progress reports on cohorts – LA,MA,HA.  This will be a major focus of inspections.
Should baseline students when they come into school.  Many schools feels that students come in at KS3 with over inflated grades from KS2.  If you feel this is the case, you need to assess them and keep robust evidence of the starting points if different from RAISE.  This must be noted in your contextual statement in your SEF. 
 You will be expected to have this conversation with OFSTED.

EBACC will be used assessing progress and impact in this area.

SEND – This must be showing a gain in the early years and rates of progress they are making.  If it’s not the same as peers – why and evidence.

Progress needs to be sustained – if there is a dip, why and how is it being addressed.



Teacher assessment must be benchmarked, moderated and evidenced.  They want to see and sample the IV process.  All staff must understand it and there must be a clear central plan.  


Safeguarding document

In your safeguarding document s you must have
  • Specific recruitment and vetting
  • Training records of SLT and governors
  • CP training records of staff – (every 3 years)
  • CP policy
  • Equal ops, diversity and behavior – when updated, how are they carried out and what is impact.
  • How do you develop culture of safety in and out of school
  • Pupil records