Using technology in the classroom

Thursday 8 March 2012

Leadership & Development Understanding the new OfSTED framework briefing

Included are extracts from a middle leaders  OFSTED course last week.  Some useful hints and tips.  It would be useful to read in conjuction with the senior leaders OFSTED briefing post from Feburary which can be found below this one or in archive.


·         The school should measure its achievement next to National Averages & standards measured as Below/On/Above.

·         3 Level Progress is seen as a key measure.

·         Therefore subjects must be aware of the staring point of learners, this could be KS2 information, a baseline assessment or a hybrid of both. 

·         3 level progress suggests progress of 9 sub levels over 5 years and 18 points progress over 5 years.

·         Learners are broken down into sub groups and achievement of sub groups should be analysed and action taken where appropriate. A sub group is only viable when it exceeds 10% of a cohort. Do not spend time analysing sub groups which are not a significant in your school make-up.

·         From KS2 data the following presumptions about attainment capacity are made….L3 or below = Low Achiever/L 4 = Middle Achiever/L5 = High Achiever.

This data  now separates cohorts into 3 sub groups.

·         Out of all the sub groups, SEND is a priority sub group.

·         Achievement is focused on Yr11, not KS3. Is achievement in Yr11 50% A*-C and in line with 3 level progression.

·         Tracking of progression from Yr7 to Yr11 is essential if the previous point is to be achieved. Early interventions lower down in school means reactive measures in KS4 are needed less.

·         Data Analysis should focus on Narrowing Gaps. Issues with sub groups should be analysed and appropriate action taken and data should lead action. Analysis may include, comparisons with other subjects/comparing alternate sub group/historical data of that sub groups achievement/comparisons to National Averages. Is the issue a trend or a bad year.

Teaching & Learning

·         The Literacy Agenda, is a Literacy & Numeracy Agenda. Literacy opportunities should be maximise, but should not be contrived. Opportunities in humanities for example to develop reading strategies (Skimming/Scanning) or comprehension skills (Literal & inferential) should be developed, where appropriate.

T&L Notes

-          Over any 25 min period, there should be a change in learning (knowledge/UNDERSTANDING).

-          A learning journey, should have depth as well as distance. Quality activities which develop knowledge/UNDERSTANDING/skills are better than many activities which develop learning to a lesser extent.

-          Literacy & Numeracy opportunities maximise, but not contrived.

-          NO. Whole class discussions. Not enough learners involved.

-          Independent Learners. This does not mean that they are individual learners, it means that are working together without the teacher to develop skills & UNDERSTANDING.

-          Pupils should be active and in discussion. AFL is completed by the teacher developing, extending and refining these discussions.

-          Pupils will not all finish a task at the same time, accept this and direct those who have finished into other appropriate activities. Including activities which will not only develop their skills & understanding, but which will aid/speed up the learning of others.

-          No wordsearches/Codes breakers. Such activities just waste time.

-          Activities should stimulate learners and move them forward.

-          To be OUTSTANDING, the majority of learners must demonstrate progress in period of time. In a class of thirty this means 29 or 30 out of 30.

-          Knowledge- pupils should be given time to absorb knowledge and organise thoughts, before they apply it. UNDERSTANDING, can the talk about and apply this new & prior knowledge.

-          No Traffic Light or thumbs up.

-          AFL permeates through all tasks. AFL should not happen at the end of learning activity is should be during and should impact on the outcome of the activity/learning.

-          LA must be useful and active. Taking ownership of a small group?

-          Here is the answer, what is the question?

-          No 3 part lesson, not mid plenary/no 53 min plenary. Are learners engaged and are they making progress?

-          Best AFL, give them space- watch-listen and interect.

Top Tips….

 Over any 25 min period, there should be a change in learning (knowledge/UNDERSTANDING).

-Learners should be engaged/curious/motivated. Use a hook at the start.

-High expectations throughout. School ethos & lessons.

-Challenge should match pupils.

-Differentiate Flexibly & where necessary- not pre-determined, but appropriate.

-Feedback should be regular & accurate.

-Use discussion.

-No need to chunk, but learning should be progressing and lesson needs pace.

 Behaviour & Safety

·         Schools do well in terms of Safeguarding. Judge by the FEEL of the school. Do not become complacent.

·         Feel extends to the voice of pupils and parents. Questionnaire at inspection time should not create surprises. School actions and data collection should ensure that finger is on the pulse. Parent View OfSTED website will be used to measure views- if enough users are subscribed.

·         Behaviour should be Behaviour for Learning. What behaviours create barriers to learning? Attendance & Poor Behaviour.  Both measurable via data, though this should be subject specific as well as whole school, what is attendance like in Geography and what is the detention rate like in Geography. Why? - then action reason.

·         Bullying is higher on the radar, especially Peer Pressure & Homophobic Bullying. Inspectors completed training in this area over Christmas.

Leadership & Management

·         Middle Leaders should have access to Raise Online and be making use of this tool to identify areas for action.

·          Verification (internal/external) of decisions is key if the schools evidence base if self evaluation is to be valued.

·         Action Planning. You must know where you are now and where you are heading. Then plan your journey.

·         Action areas which require action, not action for actions sake. This action should be data lead and IMPACT should be evident.

·         Rates of Progression. Progression should be tracked, it would be useful to have a table to show expected progress- a generic table does not currently exist.

SMSC (Spiritual Moral Social Cultural)

What is the feel of the school? School ethos?

Student voice permeates through the 4 judgement areas.

Parent/Carer voice permeates through the 4 judgement areas.


  1. thankyou graham warnock very helpful. hope it helps st georges pupils !! x

  2. thankyou graham warnock that really helped me and my staff at highfield school xx

  3. love L and T aswell its a fantastic lesson most pupils enjoy !!!
